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XR Month

Brand identity for the first event in Bucharest merging technology, arts, and culture.

One Night Gallery is a new exhibition concept focusing on Romanian contemporary art, innovation, and technology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Romanian cultural sector was heavily challenged, making it incredibly difficult for artists, galleries, and museums to bring their work to life and close to their audience. As a response to this new reality, One Night Gallery wanted to create a new exhibition concept for artists, that would keep them inspired while offering the necessary tools to showcase their art. Using new media as a medium of exposure became the much-needed solution to the enforced cessation of indoor events.

XR Month was developed as an event that would turn Bucharest into the largest outdoor digital interactive art museum, letting people explore the city in an unconventional way. One Night Gallery targeted historic and emblematic locations, buildings, or statues, and revealed a new face for them through augmented reality, with dedicated artworks designed for each of them.

In terms of identity, the naming came naturally, XR being the acronym for extended reality: a catch-all referring to a family of technologies also known as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR).

With so many locations and applications, the XR identity needed to be flexible enough to work across many different digital and physical platforms, at different scales, when both static and moving. This was translated by the design team into a very dynamic visual universe: a structure designed to accommodate unlimited iterations and graphic representations, almost a watermark that took a different shape and expression depending on the theme, the artist, the artwork. In terms of graphic elements, the patterns and interventions derived from the digital world accentuate the type and give the identity a bold dimension.

The entire identity is a manifestation of technology’s impact on arts and culture: changing the structure of the art world, creating new mediums of expression and cross-disciplinary projects, bringing social impact through cultural intervention in public spaces.

Capabilities tags:
#positioning #naming #logo #visualsystem #visualuniverse #architecture